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Combined stainless solid fuel boiler under pressure

Combined stainless solid fuel boiler under pressure

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Water tank volume: 80 liters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle With electric heater

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Thickness of tin sheet of water container: 2 millimeters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Stove sheet thickness: 2 millimeters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Stainless (inox) heat resistant steel

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle 10 year manufacturer's warranty (lasts much longer)

mdi-lightbulb Others like this Write us here mdi-cursor-default-click

Stainless boiler on wood and electricity under pressure for a whole house. Placed in a basement, boiler room or sauna, this it can heat a room and supply hot water. Pressurized with a valve, this solid fuel boiler also runs on coal. Tusima guarantees durability with inox steel. As an established Buglarian manufacturer of solid fuel boilers, stoves and barbecues, our engineers have discovered technological methods that maintain high quality at low cost. This boiler is going to serve you much more than 10 years. You can use it to heat a room (sauna) and to supply hot water at the same time. It is also equipped with an electric heater in case of lack of wood or to maintain the hot water. Do nto hesitate to call us for price offer. You can easily ask questions via the blue button above.

Combined stainless solid fuel boiler under pressure

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Water tank volume: 80 liters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle With electric heater

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Thickness of tin sheet of water container: 2 millimeters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Stove sheet thickness: 2 millimeters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Stainless (inox) heat resistant steel

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle 10 year manufacturer's warranty (lasts much longer)

Write us here mdi-cursor-default-click mdi-lightbulb Others like this

Stainless boiler on wood and electricity under pressure for a whole house. Placed in a basement, boiler room or sauna, this it can heat a room and supply hot water. Pressurized with a valve, this solid fuel boiler also runs on coal. Tusima guarantees durability with inox steel. As an established Buglarian manufacturer of solid fuel boilers, stoves and barbecues, our engineers have discovered technological methods that maintain high quality at low cost. This boiler is going to serve you much more than 10 years. You can use it to heat a room (sauna) and to supply hot water at the same time. It is also equipped with an electric heater in case of lack of wood or to maintain the hot water. Do nto hesitate to call us for price offer. You can easily ask questions via the blue button above.

Combined stainless solid fuel boiler under pressure - boiler-on-wood-under-pressure-combined-inox
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