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Enameled solid fuel boiler

Enameled solid fuel boiler

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Volume: 80 liters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Metal sheet thickness of water container: 1,5 mm

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Metal hseet thickness of stove: 2 mm

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Boiler on on wood covered with enamel. With additional insulation between the stove and the container, this water heater has a high durability. As a Bulgarian manufacturer of solid fuel boilers, stoves and barbecues for more than 25 years, we guarantee the durability of the product. This boiler is developed with thick heat-resistant sheet metal, which we have found to be the most effective in terms of price and quality. Established in the Buglarian, Romanian, Slovakian and other client areas for a long time, this is one of our classic patented boiler models known as the kettle boiler on wood. It has connected shower for local use. Feel free to contact us for orders and questions!

Enameled solid fuel boiler

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Volume: 80 liters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Metal sheet thickness of water container: 1,5 mm

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Metal hseet thickness of stove: 2 mm

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Boiler on on wood covered with enamel. With additional insulation between the stove and the container, this water heater has a high durability. As a Bulgarian manufacturer of solid fuel boilers, stoves and barbecues for more than 25 years, we guarantee the durability of the product. This boiler is developed with thick heat-resistant sheet metal, which we have found to be the most effective in terms of price and quality. Established in the Buglarian, Romanian, Slovakian and other client areas for a long time, this is one of our classic patented boiler models known as the kettle boiler on wood. It has connected shower for local use. Feel free to contact us for orders and questions!

Enameled solid fuel boiler - solid-fuel-boiler-enameled-black Enameled solid fuel boiler - solid-fuel-boiler-enameled-black
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