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Big barbeque Tusima

Big barbeque Tusima

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Dimensions 85 x 41 x 32 cm

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Stable legs

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle With smoking lid

mdi-lightbulb Others like this Write us here mdi-cursor-default-click

With heat-resistant steel, this product is guaranteed to last. With smoking lid. Designed with stability thanks to the placement of the legs, which allows it to be used in all conditions. Thick sheet barbecue at a low price - contact us to order. As manufacturers of solid fuel stoves and boilers, we guarantee product durability.

Big barbeque Tusima

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Dimensions 85 x 41 x 32 cm

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Stable legs

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle With smoking lid

Write us here mdi-cursor-default-click mdi-lightbulb Others like this

With heat-resistant steel, this product is guaranteed to last. With smoking lid. Designed with stability thanks to the placement of the legs, which allows it to be used in all conditions. Thick sheet barbecue at a low price - contact us to order. As manufacturers of solid fuel stoves and boilers, we guarantee product durability.

Big barbeque Tusima - barbeque-tusima-big Big barbeque Tusima - barbekiu-s-kapak
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© 2024 Tusima mdi-phone-forward-outline Call for order +359 878 870472 e-mail: