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Stainless water container for a stove

Stainless water container for a stove

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Volume 40 liters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Stainless steel - inox

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Eco-friendly solution

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An innovative solution for absorbing the heat from combustion gases. The stainless water tank is an eco-friendly choice for hot water. Specially designed tо absorb the heat energy from a smoke pipe, placed on the combustion fume of a heating stove. An ecological solution for your household. Constructed of inox steel, the stove water container comes with a 10-year warranty, but will last much longer. The stainless steel not only increases durability but also the heat retention inside the container. As manufacturers of solid fuel boilers, heating stoves and barbecues, we have found that a large amount of the thermal energy produced during combustion leaves with the combustion gases. This product will serve you by providing hot water for washing and cooking. Especially in households where the electricity supply is intermittent, this water heater will come in handy, providing hot water. You can easily send us any kind of question with the blue button on this page. Contact us for your order and price!

Stainless water container for a stove

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Volume 40 liters

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Stainless steel - inox

mdi-checkbox-multiple-blank-circle Eco-friendly solution

Write us here mdi-cursor-default-click mdi-lightbulb Others like this

An innovative solution for absorbing the heat from combustion gases. The stainless water tank is an eco-friendly choice for hot water. Specially designed tо absorb the heat energy from a smoke pipe, placed on the combustion fume of a heating stove. An ecological solution for your household. Constructed of inox steel, the stove water container comes with a 10-year warranty, but will last much longer. The stainless steel not only increases durability but also the heat retention inside the container. As manufacturers of solid fuel boilers, heating stoves and barbecues, we have found that a large amount of the thermal energy produced during combustion leaves with the combustion gases. This product will serve you by providing hot water for washing and cooking. Especially in households where the electricity supply is intermittent, this water heater will come in handy, providing hot water. You can easily send us any kind of question with the blue button on this page. Contact us for your order and price!

Stainless water container for a stove - water container for stove inox Stainless water container for a stove - vodosudurjatel-za-pechka-nerujdaveika
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